Friday, February 5, 2010

The clothes donation has been successfully accomplished

The joint project of Clothes donation project organized by Rotaract club of Ulaanbaatar within Rotaract club of NUM.
The clothes donation has been successfully accomplished, which did organized between 18.Sep.2009 to 27.01.2010.
The named project sponsored by Iguchi San, who is the member of Ulaanbaatar Rotary club and her “Khairiin khishig” NGO.
We have been donated amount of 19 boxes, 700 clothes for poor children’s and adults.  

Date Where Adult Children Total
2009.09.18 Songinokhairhan dist, 1st horoo 150 120 270
2009.10.23 Bayangol dist, 20th horoo 80 130 210
2010.01.27 Herdsmen hit by bitter winter in Govi-Altai province 85 135 220
TOTAL 315 385 700


To achieve this project successfully all local Rotaract clubs has been taken over many researches from place to place for delivering these clothes to the right people who really need our help.
The named project has been delayed causes of H1N1 virus which made the situation unable to gather large amount of people together around November to December 2009.

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